Support the Philharmonic
We appreciate and invite your support!
Ticket prices cover only a portion of our operating costs; much of our success is due to generous donations from community members such as yourself.
The Palo Alto Philharmonic, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, is asking for contributions to help us cover the expenses of providing high quality concerts for both our audience members as well as our community musicians.
You can make a general donation of any size. The Palo Alto Philharmonic is a non-profit organization supported entirely through ticket sales, grants, sponsorships, and contributions. All donations are tax deductible and are acknowledged in the orchestra concert programs.
Become a supporter of the Palo Alto Philharmonic by contributing at any of the following levels:
Friend/Supporter under $100
Associate $100 – $249
Sponsor $250 – $499
Patron $500 – $999
Benefactor $1000 – $2499
Soloist Endowment $2500 – $4999
Music Director Endowment $5000 and above
If check is preferred, please make your checks payable to the Palo Alto Philharmonic and indicate on the
Ticket/Contribution form how you would like your name to be listed in the program. ("Anonymous" is certainly an option should you wish it).
You can mail your donation to us at Palo Alto Philharmonic Association, P.O. Box 50490, Palo Alto, CA 94303.
We are also sponsored by local businesses and charitable organizations.
Please consider adding the name of your organization to the following list of supporters:
Applied Materials
Arts Council Silicon Valley
City of Palo Alto Cubberley Community Center
City of Palo Alto Division of Arts and Culture
Cotter Charitable Foundation
Digital Ink Printing
Ross McKee Foundation
Silicon Valley Creates
Stanford Floral Design of Palo Alto